Just having a crummy day, just feeling blurghy and fed up. My son just got assaulted and its just...well stupid English people. I feel a bit overwhelmed with life. Oh and scan tonight. Just needing loves
Hope your son is all right. Hugs to both of you.
"Blurghy" is a great word. Thanks for that!
I looked exactly like Annie as a kid...thank you xx
I was just about to post this same video. You beat me to it! Great minds think alike.
Hugs, loves and good vibes....things will get better. They always do. Peace.
hang in there...hope your son is alright! sending glitter and unicorn farts....
Hang in there. Tomorrow is another day.
Tomorrow is friday=gin
Hugs for you. Sometimes life just sucks. I hope this passes soon. ?
I hope the storm passed . I am proud of u . How parents keep their head attached to their body when their kid gets hurt by others ???I will had be living in jail most likely . Hope u r both relaxing by now .
We had a bit of a giggle about how much he smells of banana milkshake . It is literally the only thing that makes me ever feel violent.
Ok so my 22 year old was out when his former friend drove into our cul-de-sac (so deliberate) and threw a carton of banana milkshake all over him. Isaac was very cross and I was worried he was going try and retaliate against this lad. Unfortunately the guy is 6ft 4 and his brother is 6ft 6! Isaac is not a fighter..it was a bit of a worry.
I hope your son will be ok. Sometimes life just really sucks. Here is a hug for you!!!
Sending lots of hugs Jayne. Hope your son is ok.
He is now.
I'm sorry that happened. How's your son? Wow!
He had milkshake thrown over him. I thought it included the bottle because he was so angry and red faced
Is he OK?
Yeah this guy said Isaac owes him money, he doesn't so he drove past and threw milkshake all over him. How lame n middle class eyesroll. Just had to spend ages calming him down.