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Honesty. Do people here regard themselves as honest. To me honesty means revealing the truth about your beliefs, especially the core ones, like religion and politics. From the rhetoric I have gleaned on this site I think there are a lot of people who are dishonest about politics. An omission is as good as a lie as they say. I guess if you were living in Nazi Germany at about 1938 you wouldn't be honest about it if you were against the political group that was prone to violence and lashing out and bullying anyone who didn't support their views huh. Fair enough, but that was 1938 and this is 2018, 80 years ago. Oh dear

ripcurldane 7 Feb 24

Enjoy being online again!

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So many questions that have complex answers. One thing that is important is geography. Some places one puts themselves at risk by speaking what they believe.Sometimes it's better to pick your battles. For some of us introverts, ideas and honest talk requires time and thought. Most people don't want to be confrontational and keep quiet especially if they are in the minority.

I have different ideas on some touchy, 'liberal' politics and almost always get push back. That's fine, but sometimes I don't have the time or energy to get into a lengthy discussion. One funny thing I have found where honesty really works is when dealing with police. Admitting I was wrong and made a mistake has always helped me when dealing with police. With driving infractions cops don't like a hassle and giving in saves them time and energy and the few I have dealt with have either just given me a warning or given the minimum fine.


There is honesty with ones self and honesty to others.
The level of honesty with oneself is by far the least regarded and probably the more important.


There are lies and corruption everywhere, it seems to be in our DNA, in fact, we are all hypocrites to a lesser or greater degree. I would challenge anyone to always tell the truth whatever and whenever. if people ask if I'm ok I most often say I'm good and I'm lying. also what you said about self-preservation. you bet id swear on the bible in court if I was in a very religious area or anywhere. it's just easier. generally, I like this site and know there is always the human factor more or less.


I proudly display my conservatism and atheism here. I think given the fact that I am in the minority here politically and am so vocal about it makes me pretty honest. I'm often attacked and dismissed because of my politics. If you're not making enemies, you're not doing it right.

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