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The Loony Tunes on Godless Atheism, Agnosticism and Secularism: Part Two: 2014 - 2017

*[Robert] Jeffress: ‘Godless Immoral Infidels Who Hate God’ Are Taking Over America. – Posted 26 February 2014

*CPAC [Conservative Political Action Conference] Once Again Shuts Out Gay & Atheist Groups, Welcomes White Nationalists. – Posted 6 March 2014

*BarbWire: Gay Rights ‘Has Its Roots in Hell,’ Championed By ‘Godless Human Minions of Satan’. – Posted 18 March 2014

*Pat Robertson Wonders If Viewer’s Atheist Coworker Was Raped, Demon-Possessed. – Posted 24 March 2014

*Bill Federer Worries Atheists Will Kill Millions of Christians If They Can Take Over the Military. – Posted 27 March 2014

*Pat Robertson Fears Islamist-Atheist Takeover of America. – Posted 24 April 2014

*Tea Party Unity: Evangelical Immigration Supporters Want To Destroy Country, ‘Bring America under Godless Socialism’. – Posted 1 May 2014

*[Gordon] Klingenschmitt: Satan Has Blinded Atheists to the Fact That They’re Possessed by Demonic Spirits. – Posted 6 June 2014

*Rick Wiles Fears America Is Transforming Into a ‘Godless, Pagan Cesspool of Free Mason Fascism’. – Posted 12 June 2014

*[David] Barton: Harry Reid Supports Citizens United Amendment Because He Is an ‘Atheist Mormon’. – Posted 3 July 2014

*[Gordon] Klingenschmitt: Atheists Should Undergo an Exorcism to Rid Them of the Devil So They’ll Feel Comfortable in Church. – Posted 7 July 2014

*Charisma News: Bans on Atheist Officeholders ‘Good News for a Judeo-Christian America’. – Posted 21 July 2014

*Rick Wiles: ‘Ebola Could Solve America’s Problems with Atheism and Homosexuality’. – Posted 6 August 2014

*David Lane: Liberal ‘Blitzkrieg’ Imposed ‘False God of Secularism’ On America. – Posted 8 August 2014

*Kevin Sorbo and Rick Wiles Agree: Atheists Are Angry Because They Know God Exists. – Posted 26 August 2014

*[Rick] Santorum: Call Secularism A Religion So We Can Ban It from Public Schools. – Posted 9 September 2014

*Bryan Fischer Calls For Atheists to Be Banned From Serving in the Armed Forces. – Posted 10 September 2014

*Tony Perkins: Atheists Working Through AP History Classes To Enable ISIS, Sexting, ‘Hip-Hop Gang Banger Music’. – Posted 19 September 2014

*Trent Franks: ‘Secular Left’ Will Bring Down America. – Posted 21 October 2014

*Jody Hice: Secularism Is Turning Government into God, Destroying America. – Posted 22 October 2014

*Bill Donohue: Non-Religious People Need Therapy Since They Die Prematurely and Are Disproportionately Insane. – Posted 5 December 2014

*Group Organizing RNC [Republican National Committee] Israel Trip Attacks Israel’s ‘Atheist Jews’. – Posted 29 January 2015

*AFA [American Family Association] Concludes That Non-Religious Soldier Must Be Angry, Lonely, Confused and In Need of Prayer. – Posted 12 March 2015

*Phil Robertson Hypothesizes About Atheist Family Getting Raped and Killed. – Posted 24 March 2015

*Dave Welch: ‘Corrupt, Amoral, Godless Leaders’ Are ‘Literally Trampling’ On Our Rights. – Posted 6 May 2015

*Todd Starnes: Rainbow Doritos Benefit ‘A Bunch of Godless Sickos’. – Posted 24 September 2015

*Political Operative David Lane: U.S. Must Choose Jesus or ‘Pagan Secularism’. – Posted 30 December 2015

*Theodore Shoebat Wants Freedom of Religion Outlawed and Atheist Books Burned. – Posted 9 February 2016

*Franklin Graham: ‘Only One Election Left’ To Save America from Godless Secularists. – Posted 12 February 2016

*Franklin Graham: US in Trouble for Embracing Godless Secularism. – Posted 7 March 2016

*Gordon Klingenschmitt Ties Himself in Knots Trying to Defend Discrimination against Atheists. – Posted 9 May 2016

*Ray Comfort: ‘You Can’t Trust an Atheist in a Position of Authority’. – Posted 11 July 2016

*David Barton Explains Why ‘You Just Don’t Find Atheists’ Living Out In the Country. – Posted 17 August 2016

*Newt Gingrich Says Pastors Have a Duty to Run for Office and Fight ‘Totalitarian Secularism’. – Posted 4 October 2016

*Ann Coulter Blames Never Trump Movement on Atheism. – Posted 4 October 2016

*Joseph Farah: Women Who’ve Had Abortions, Atheists, Muslims & ‘Gender Benders’ Are The Real ‘Deplorables’. – Posted 24 October 2016

*E.W. Jackson: Women’s March Participants Are ‘On the Godless Side’ of America’s ‘Spiritual Civil War’. – Posted 26 January 2017

*Gordon Klingenschmitt: Atheists Need More Exposure To The Ten Commandments To Free Them From ‘Their Demonic Influence’. – Posted 10 March 2017

*Dave Daubenmire: Christians Must ‘Embrace the Hate’ Against Atheists Who Are ‘Teaching Our Kids Homo Sex Is Normal’. – Posted 26 June 2017

*In Wake of Church Shooting, Theodore Shoebat Says Atheists Must Be Put To Death. – Posted 6 November 2017

*Rick Wiles: Sexual Misconduct Scandals Are the Result of the Left’s ‘Godless Society’. – Posted 28 November 2017

johnprytz 7 Feb 8

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Let's hope they take over quickly. I don't hate god. I just question his existence.

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