Having trouble relating to friends that are religious. I have nothing against the people, I like them, but whenever I hear them say something like "praise god", I just want to shut them out of my life. Anyone have any advice on how to keep my respect for friends despite their, in my opinion, silly beliefs?
I've had the same experience and initially just ignored their religious comments. That lead me to a bigger realization: 1) everyone is wacko in their own way 2) it's not our job to change anyone 3) accept & like/love them "as is". Keep in mind, they probably think you're the crazy one for not believing in [insert god of choice] and they still accept you! If they begin to proselytize, then maybe it's time to leave.
I totally ignore all religious expressions and comments and go on talking as though I never heard them, or change the subject. If the person becomes aggressive I wander off as though I remembered something I need to do.