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Donald Trump has accidentally told an audience of global religious leaders that America’s greatest accomplishments include the “abolition of civil rights” during the National Prayer Breakfast. Doh! I leave the rest to you. lol. []

IAJO163 8 Feb 8

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He does not believe in any rights except his own. He sure does not show rights even to his family with hookers and wanting to date his daughter.


He brags so much about his brain and beautiful words. So, now he will start to claim people just don't know the real definition to what he said.

see below ↓...yeah...only from his base...


Colbert showed the clip of this. I died laughing at Trump's idiocy.


His aids ought to design him corks, for both his mouth, and his sphincter, so he can't sputter his idiocy out either end!


He knows so many words...some great words...some bigly words...what an idiot...eye roll...

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