Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
I do not know anyone who is always happy, however, there are some who have a cheerful disposition. Perhaps a question about happiness might take the form of what causes us to be unhappy? Is it our thoughts about what happened or what is happening or what is going to happen?
I agree!
Bu as a joke and to play devil's advocate:
as you say: "Happiness is...a manner of traveling"
I add: "but mostly in hindsight."
My late former father in law used to say "I was down one day and someone told me to cheer up as things could be worse. So I cheered up, and sure enough things got worse." However, every day I have to get out of bed and go face crabby people, and so far every day I have chosen to be happy about it. I am employed and my manager is fantastic and my company provides decent benefits, and I'm not working outside in the cold. So to anyone who meets me I'm reasonably happy. Could I be happier, oh hell yes. But I choose gratitude, I choose happiness, I choose to look on the bright side, else why go on?
@HippieChick58 Ahhh...yes...I get it.
Life is about the journey, not the destination.
Too true as I believe arriving means getting very hot or having to stay underground forever.
Are you on a roll or just naturally wise owl?
I just read lots of stuff and save for future reference.