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When you finally meet a Republican "Trans-Fester".

ownworstenemy 7 Feb 9

Enjoy being online again!

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LOL... they do kind of look related....


She will be remembered ad 45's Propaganda Minister, which will be the only job she could ever qualify for. I'm sure the Members of the GOP has assured that she will always be given employ either with the NRA of as a receptionists at Mars Largo. I can never imagine why any person would want her job knowing that everything that she tries to cover up just fully blossoms into what it truly is.


Looks aside, she is an awful human being.

This is what kooky religions like their father indoctorined with. It only produces vile and uneducated people like her.

She is in the perfect job that fits hers and no one worth their salt will ever hire her for anything else.

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