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It’s easy to blame Russia trolls for fueling the anti-vaccine movement, but they are taking advantage of out own willful ignorance. First, there is an anti-vaxxer movement based on a fraud and the assurances of a B-movie actress. Second, by allowing religious exemption which are mostly based on the anti-vaxxer fraud and not religion, we have compounded our problem. Third, by allowing religious schools to surplant and drain resources from our school systems, we have created an anti-science mentality in the US.

We are dooming ourselves to a future of sttupidity where the US becomes a joke for what we were but have become.


Rob1948 7 Feb 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Blame both the Russian government and the religious establishment

zesty Level 7 Feb 20, 2019

Both scum of the earth


Non vaccinated people shouldn't be able to be present in public. Live in a cage or in a church.

zesty Level 7 Feb 18, 2019

A really good start would be NOT allowing parents to NOT vaccinate their
children, for stupid reasons like their religious beliefs.
No one's religious beliefs should ever be allowed to endanger anyone else.
I've had with stupid people.


We should rename them
‘Pro Disease’
Call it what it is.

The physician that started this was Andrew Wakefield a British Physician. A GI doc.


The man who started the antivaxxer movement actually had his own vaccine. To know this puts a new slant on everything until you realize it got out of hand in different ways.


Antivax propaganda is much more believable in the US, given the behaviour of pharmaceutical and insurance companies there.


I don't blame Russians. I blame idiots.

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