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One for the Scam crew, Raven, Stinkeye et al to pay attention to:


FrayedBear 9 Feb 12

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It's sad because it makes legitimate meeting people for a relationship very difficult.


I feel sorry for her, but surely common sense would tell us not to send money to anyone we have just met online. I know sometimes vulnerable people do this, despite all the warnings, but the old adage “if something seems to be too good to be true, then it probably isn’t true “. This applies to most things in life, and especially if it has a large price-tag attached to it, in order to access it!

Tell that to some people round here who only have their own misandrist agendas.


An alternate view is to ask the question"if I'm not prepared to lose this money why am I sending it to someone?".
How much will you give to your favourite charity?


I take it personal when I see idiots pretending to be military service members! The lowest form of disrespect to my brothers and sisters in arms!

I suspect scammers whether Nigerian or from anywhere could not care less. Their victims are happily accepted from anywhere so long as they have value that can be converted to cash.

I get upset when I read that people think that it is ok to scam a particular group, race or belief so long as it is not their group. That sounds like the gangsterism of governments running dirty tactics against other countries... like America and its sanctions resulting in death, suffering or loss of hard won advances such as health programmes, education, destruction of culture or identity.


How long does the net have to exist before people understand that you can not assume that anything on it is real. Very sad, but if this was a church taking money from people, for having a date with an none existent lover in the sky, would the authorities be concerned ?

Nope. Your remark made me think about the incipient dirtiness of much politics through history. And I thought of the church getting away the past few hundred years without bribes - why? It gives the polititions control for its kickback.


Never trust no bugger, as my Granddad used to say

Alternatively have nothing that you care about if you lose it.

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