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Well I know this will look like a mistake in the religion/spirituality section but animals (and imo, not the goddamn ozone layer/tees/save the whales/recycle) are my "religion". For starters I can actually see them 😛 and they give me happiness and comfort...ulike other religions.

MattTheRed85 5 Feb 12

Enjoy being online again!

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You don't care about the environment, but animals are your religion. Don't animals need the environment?


Wow, did you come with that on your own, or did you just cop George Carlin?

The fact that I can see them was a reference to that


It looks like the real mistake you made was thinking that we would be interested in your ramblings.




First,whales are animals. And if every thing else you don't care about continues to go to shit, the animals will continue to die off at incredible rates. (Anyone remember how many species a day?). Then, what will you have?

I meant domestic animals. Not just cats and dogs. I'm including foxes, ferrets, goats, turtles

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