All Americans need to read this, something outside the echo chamber. It is about what makes people over the world feel threatened. You should especially take note of your allies, Sth Korea and Japan, and who they perceive to be their bigger threat.
Tnx good look and read. Mist interesting point I found was how fear of U.S. power went up everywhere, except Poland.
For one thing, I wouldn't be so dismissive of Poland's concerns. (Not suggesting you are. I just mean it in general terms.)
They have reason to be concerned about Russia.
They definitely have a historic basis for it, as well as present-day concerns.
It's so pathetic that so many in the US refuse to look at the world through a
much larger lens. We DO live in a global economy, and what effects one, can
conceivably effect all. Climate change is a very real and present issue.
That we have a moron in the White House who refuses to acknowledge the proven
science, and doesn't know the difference between climate and weather, is just
so deeply disturbing.
We cannot afford to be xenophobic, isolationist, and nationalistic.
It's short-sighted AF.
It's also a horrible business model.