Four in five Vatican priests are gay according to explosive new book [] via @MailOnline
Many priests are pedophiles: they are pedophikes who, when possible, choose jobs/professions that give them access to children. Most pedophiles are bent that way, lifelong. Recidivism is VERY high.
Pedophilia is sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children of either sex. Same sex pedphilia is still pedophilia, not homosexuality.
I think lots of people don’t get the difference.
@saganian You are most likely right on both counts.
Don't care what their sexual orientation is. Part of their vows is one of celibacy! That would be no sex. To then violate children is evil, more evil to cover it up and then move them around to other parishes were no one suspects them and they do it all over again.
honestly, i don't care. Other than to point out the already and easily seen hypocrisy of the church.
I don’t care if they are all gay as long as the males they go with are of age.
@Charliesey , That's right, Charlie, and what better place to find a man - the priesthood. : )