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Totally agree. If you can't like them, you will never love them. It starts with friendship and grows from there.

mistymoon77 9 Feb 13

Enjoy being online again!

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The advice I gave to both my sons when they started dating, was it was always a good idea to ask themselves if they really liked their girlfriends as well as just fancying them. The best basis for a lasting relationship is being friends with your lover.


This might sound crazy. When I had lived in Pennsylvania I had known 4 couples that were happily married in all 4 cases the wife claimed to have hated their husband prior to falling in love. In one case the wife had hit the husband with the car that was before they were a couple though.


If I had to choose one or the other, my first choice would be best friend. The lover part would be the bonus.

Deb57 Level 8 Feb 13, 2019

Totally agree with you. I have dealt with both falling for someone first and then finding out I actually didn't like them at all. It needs to grow into something more imo.

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