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The Democrats want a national gun registry which is always the first step to confiscation.

Trajan61 8 Feb 14

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Guys, I hope my question doesn't create a fight in the group. Please, forgive me for wanting to know.


I believe to register your guns with the local police should be the way.

The local police can always go to the gun dealer who sold a gun used in a crime to get all the information they need. I don’t want any law enforcement agency to have a registry of my guns.

@CommonHuman Because a law enforcement registry opens the door for confiscation that’s why. Law enforcement only needs to know about guns used in crimes.

@Trajan61 Aren't the guns dealers mandated to report all guns sales to the local police?

Not a problem.

@DUCHESSA No the gun dealers are not required to report sales to the local police. They are required to keep a record of the sale in case law enforcement needs to track a gun.

@Trajan61 I understood what you said...but IMHO is a waste of time having to consult the dealer when the info. could be ready when is needed.

@DUCHESSA Law enforcement doesn’t need to know how many guns we have. They might draw the wrong conclusions.

@Trajan61 Well, I don't think they might.

a national registry would be a wonderful thing 🙂


Bullshit. Have a great day!

What a brilliant, erudite response...who could argue with that.

@dahermit Thanks! I thought so to. It's really more than a Breitbart fantasy deserves. But i was happy to help.


Is there a link to an article?

The Link wouldn’t copy correctly.

@Pbpierson2 Got it. thanks


Your "always" is a typical NRA/ far right scare tactic. Not impressed by your source, either.

Reschenthaler opposed closing loopholes in background checks. [] That's the only legislation that's been proposed. Nobody has even proposed a national registry and in fact, such a registry is illegal.

How about if we changed, "always" to, "could"...

@dahermit And a giant meteorite "could" hit the planet tomorrow, obliterating life as we know it.

Let's back up to reiterate the point that nobody has proposed a national registry. Furthermore, many (probably most) states have a state registry of all sales and especially handgun ownership. So far, somehow, there haven't been any state confiscations that I've heard of. Probably because of this thing called the Constitution.

@Paul4747 []
And, I seem to remember illegal gun confiscations in New Orleans after Katrina. []

@dahermit One by one:

  1. I don't know what this link is supposed to be about;
  2. You have an issue with people with a domestic violence personal protection order having their guns held by the police for the duration of the order?
  3. It amuses me how conservatives can A) cheer for potential terrorists to be put on watch lists and locked up, and at the same time use their cases as a cautionary tale about gun confiscation....
  4. " was assumed that Americans who had that freedom would use it responsibly...When personal freedom is being abused, you have to move to limit it." I don't disagree with this. Among a number of quotes that I do disagree with, plus the inflammatory title of the article.

And I read (refreshing my memory) that was during a situation of basically martial law, after a week of armed looters roaming the city. And it was the Bush administration's belated response that set up the situation, and his federal law enforcement who assisted local police in their efforts.


Yes. Always. Like they did with our cars.

Is there anything in the Constitution about having a "right" to own a car?

@dahermit it's a good thing then, that all the places of worship are all in secret locations, hidden from the eyes of government, not registered in any sort of record. Because then they would subject to government seizure, like always

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