Hypnotism is the key to learning about Religion. I was devout christian who believed in getting saved. To make a long story short i had a traumatic experience and had gone to church for 2 years praying for it to be healed. Very little progress. Someone suggested hypnosis to me. I tried it out and i was 100% better after the first session. This led me to explore more about hypnosis and to actually want to become a hypnotherapist. After studying and taking a brutally honest assessment, i came to the conclusion that the absolute best hypnotists in the world are preachers. They use the exact same techniques and wording that hypnotists use. Hypnotists can actually hypnotize people and tell them that their finger is on fire and touch the person and a blister will appear. That's exactly what preachers are doing. They are using emotions and scare tactics on people to make them believe things that have no proof in reality.
That explains why i wasn't impressed by hypnotist. Just didn't do anything for me.
Check out Darren Brown's "Miracle" - it's on netflix. Humans are easily manipulated.
Thanks. I will. I've read some of his stuff and actually implemented a few of his tricks like making someone's hand stick to the table. It works and people can be tricked into their hand sticking to the table
I had a therapist try to hypnotize me once. It did not work.
The hardest type of person to hypnotize is called the emotional intellect. That's the term used. It doesn't mean that you're emotional its actually just the opposite that type hides their emotions. People like this need a reason for everything. If the hypnotist didn't give you a reason for everything they were doing and just treat you like the rest then it won't work. Hypnotist have to explain to you and give you a reason before you will relax and trust them enough to go into hypnosis.
Doesn't work on me either.
Very interesting_becouse I was
told Some of the qualifiers at a Vetrans hosp.
Sounds like the key to learning about preaching rather than religion.
You're right but most people learn their religion thru the preacher instead of reading themselves. That was the thought that i had but you're right also