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Why, when it comes to the belief in god(s), is there a term (atheist) for people who require evidence for the claim? I mean is there a term for people who require evidence for leprechauns? The only thing I can come up with is because there are a lot of people who believe in god(s). So the minority gets a label even though there is no evidence to back up the claim of the majority. Something just doesn’t seem right with this.

Sandman07 5 Feb 15

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Because of the historic hegemony that religion has had over people's thought lives, the lack of unearned respect and deference for religion is considered remarkable (and, in fact, blasphemous by the religious).

When atheism is no longer a concept that needs explaining to people, we'll know that religion has been relegated to the fringes of society. In other words the "death" of atheism is a proxy for the death of religion as a significant force in society. Stamp collection (philatelism) exists, and thrives in its own little world, but there's no need to discuss "aphilately" because it's understood and assumed that philately is simply chosen by those who want it and not chosen by those who aren't interested.

As soon as religion can stand the indifference of the unbelieving, atheism will no longer be a necessary concept.


They cannot fight with you unless they can name you as an opponent..


leprechauns aren't real? The little bastard inside the machine gave me money the last time ?

Lol...Well, as far as I know, leprechauns have just as much of a chance of being real as any god.

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