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The stock marked jumped up 443 points yesterday. It is almost as if the investors are looking at some amazing profits in the near future. I wonder if 25 million dollars per mile of fence has some extra padding for some Haliburton like entity.

Tominator 6 Feb 16

Enjoy being online again!

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It has for the steel company owned by a Russian that is providing the fence.


Stock markets rise and fall regardless of politics.

The fence won't be built for years, no matter what Trump declares. Lawsuits are already being filed. Bills are already being proposed to overrule his state of emergency. Congress controls the purse strings.

It's highly doubtful (in Trump terms, I doubt it bigly) that investors are banking on funding going through any time soon.

The market rises and falls but the rises are almost always accompanied by falls and sometimes the bigger the rise the bigger the fall. That's why I have taken all my investments out of the market.

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