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I think so! ?

FlippantLlama 8 Feb 17

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I resemble that remark!

My given name is Jesús. Jesse is my Nickname.

In college, while waiting to get a dorm room assignment, the head of the residence hall came walking through the waiting lobby, where about 300 students were sitting, calling out for Jesus. There were several groups of students and she would go to each group asking if Jesus was there. I finally called out to her, because I just couldn't take it anymore, "I'm here my child". The room burst out laughing. I explained that it's pronounced "je-seus" and she got a big laugh out of it. She was a very nice lady.


I did not know they could be aggressive.


I can see how you may be hesitant with that message.


My atheist son created an avatar on the wii-u that looked like the Caucasian-depicted Jesus so that he could go “jogging with Jesus” on the wii-u fit. My son was much faster than Jesus, I’m proud to say ?


Depends on your pronunciation i guess🙂


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