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What do republicans have against Social Security ? It maintains many elderly at poverty levels so they don't have to take care of them.

Marine 8 Feb 19

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The GOP donors want all the SS money donated to them via congressional action. They are greedy shits.


I am looking forward to collecting SS in two months. As a well-paid (republican) person I paid into it for many years, and I want to benefit from that forced savings account. That said, social security was never intended as a retirement fund, it was SUPPLEMENTAL income to assist with one's retirement savings or work programs. Yes, SOME republicans are horrible, but not all of us...

But the reps would do away with the SS program or make it a market program and thus remove the guarantees.


Because many of them are rich enough they will never need it and the rest are wannabees (as in wanna be rich and expect to be someday) who don't think they'll need it.


it costs them money

It will cost them more if they need to take care of them because they have no income in old age. Ss is a forced retirement benefit and as poor as it might be it is something.

@Marine once your retired they have no use for you what ever you have done and thats all governments

@LeighShelton I would hope our government is better than that.

@Marine no government is.


I attribute their attitudes to outright selfishness.


Because- "Not letting the elderly poor suffer and die destitute is theft".


Animosity towards the elderly is as sick as animosity towards the poor, and the homeless.

Republicans are so greedy they care not about anything except making and conserving money. It is a sickness among them. Why would someone who has billions have as their goal more billions otherwise.

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