Do you know that there are VEGAN foods for CATS? They contain taurine, arachidonic acid, some contain also carnitine.
Yes and?
And you should give your cat proper vegan diet with synthetic taurine, with arachidonic acid, vit. A, vit . D and you should convice other owners of cats to do the same.
@htg44 Well no cat are obligate carnivores.
Can they be fed a vegan diet with supplements and survive? Yes apparently - but I'm not convinced the supplements are themselves vegan.
Obligate Carnivores need meat. That's the science.
I'm sure there is a work around. But I'm not tempted to try it right now. I don't trust the science as there is no honesty on cat food labels - so no way to be assured the food would be enough. It's bad enough trying to be sure as it is.
Yes, I do know that.
So you are a vegan - what are your sources of protein, vit. D ?
Please respond.
if true this is pure ignorance. especially for cats. screwing with a cats diet is a HUGE mistake.
It always comes down to a proper list of nutrients. (Notice that small kittens only drink mother's milk). There is no absolute carnivore. Proper vegan diet can be designed for any animal.