I'm completely disillusioned by how corrupt the government of this country has become. CNN has a headline saying the Mueller investigation could conclude as early as next week. A year and a half of investigation into Trump's corruption relative to his alliance with Russia has resulted in dozens of indictments and multiple guilty judgments all for people peripheral to Trump.
But nothing against Trump himself.
And that's how it's going to end: some people will be held accountable while Trump will not. If anyone is laboring under the delusion that justice is coming, forget it. This whole thing is going to end as one big letdown with Trump facing no consequences of any significance. Any parts of the report that Trump wants hidden will be redacted by his new AG, Burr. It'll just be more corruption and no accountability. Trump is a cockroach and like any good cockroach, when the lights come on he vanishes to avoid detection.
I hope I'm wrong but I'm not.