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Apparently, men who marry plus-size women are happier.

MissKathleen 9 Feb 20

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The article doesn't link the research paper, give a single statistic or give the metrics evaluated....

Marz Level 7 Feb 21, 2019

Wouldn't all those things screw up the story, more than likely written by someone plus size who needs a man?


Well, sucks for me then.


Skinny women are too high maintenance.

Not true. Some women are high maintenance some aren't. Probably the same with men.

@Sticks48 Yes. We're all equal.

@Wildflower Some are more equal than others. 🙂


I have a friend who is slim and athletic. He is a big hiker and even walked the whole Appalachian trail. His wife is + size, has diabetes and drives a block to the library. She is a big time bridge player (and he not). They seem very happy together.
Maybe it's because there's no pressure to answer questions like "does this dress make my butt look big?"


that might be on average. Mine was a bitch


You wanna be happy guys? Bring it! Lol

For me being atheist let me explore more of myself

I agree we aren't afraid of butter! ?

@RavenCT Hahaha ?


They are probably just afraid to say otherwise, lest they get their asses kicked.



A lot of men are into energy efficiency. Makes them happy.


Happier men sometimes marry plus-size women. (FIFY)

You might wonder if 'size' should really be a determining concern or just an incidental factor. ❤

Just a suggestion. Everyone chooses for themselves. ?


Huh. That's interesting.


two tons of fun

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