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Any other old people out there?

JaniceBuehler 2 Nov 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Ha, you're just a baby !!


what do you consider to be old... 😉 I'm 64 so I guess I might be designated as old... my body certainly tells me so on occasion.


Why? Do you want to talk about the ugliness of old age academically? Or are you looking for a friend your age? I know 35 year olds that are old. I know young 60 year olds. If science finds the gene to turn off aging, your question will lose meaning.


I don't see myself as old and probably never will so I guess you can count me out of the old people group if there is one.

SamL Level 7 Nov 6, 2017

Not yet, but I'm on my way.

beats the alternative


I just turned 59. Happily I aged, but I didn't grow up. Still a kid at heart.


How old is "old"? I am 55. Young enough nto to have any gray hair, but old enough to get senior discounts at a few places.

I almost remember turning 55


I'm 18 1/2

that is, 18 years and half a century.

Does that count as old?


Yep. I;m 80.


What is your definition of "old" , as it's kind of a subjective term.

I see "old" as a mindset, rather than the number of years on earth. I've met 30-somethings that were way "older" than me ! And 90-somethings that were delightfully playful and wise (and totally mentally aware) .

I've always tended to get on with folks younger chronologically, because I do not see age as a reason to not do certain things anymore. And there are those that are terribly out of shape , in all age categories. Keeping fit and active is one sure way to remain younger !

I agree with the fitness. I have been told by a professional trainer that I work out with the heaviest weights of any man my age he knows of -- from 120 to 400 pounds depending on the muscle group. I also take care of my yard, the produce 3 vegetable gardens a year: That with a pacemaker, diabetes, COPD. With those conditions, if I don't stay active, I'm gone.

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