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Here's the latest post in the wacky world of dating...the site asks for your take on various topics...see if you would have answered the same way... πŸ™‚
A perfect day
"That’s a tough one. I’d have to say April 25th. Because it’s not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket."

***Edit... as has been brought to my attention, this was a line in a movie made by an idiot pageant contestant. When used as a response in a dating site I guess it shows a sense of humor and cleverness, if the reader has seen the movie πŸ™‚

lerlo 8 Feb 25

Enjoy being online again!

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@lerlo Hahaha! It wasn't me!?

good to know πŸ™‚


Not to contradict you, but that is a line from a movie...

Well thanks for that. I appreciate being corrected and it's probably worthy of taking that down because apparently that woman may be brighter than I thought she was. I'm the idiot

@lerlo took me a few to remember the movie, and sorry to say i did...

@Rignor yes and the look on William Shatner's face after she said it was I'm sure the same look on my face when I read this.


I see it allllll the time. Dumb as a box of rocks. How do they all manage to get themselves dressed and out the door every morning??? hahahahaha

Yes it's amazing but they get dates πŸ™‚

See the latest comment... I guess the first person who said it in the pageant was an idiot and using it afterwards just shows a sense of humor and a funny answer if you saw the movie.

@lerlo I saw the movie and honestly did not remember that line....its funny (awful) either way.

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