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It's puzzled me why Guiado seems to have the right to become president of Venezuela. If it has puzzled you two here is his biography. I am pleased that he doesn't seem to be part of the Elite that governed Venezuela before Chavez.[]

Lorajay 9 Feb 25

Enjoy being online again!

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I see some of this but Guiado was not elected.


The answer to your question of why Guaido claims to be president of Venezuela.


Thank you


I had to look up the Vargas Tragedy (they should have a link in the text). Seems like a decent politician. Can't believe Meduro hasn't eliminated him somehow. The country is a mess, regardless of who is in charge.

The country is a mess because of US interference, sanctions. The US just can’t stop being crooks going wherever they want, taking whatever natural resource that country has!

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