It's an interesting thought, but I disagree solely on the fact that most new atheists are young and college-educated whereas the most prominent political tribe at the moment is full of people that are the opposite.
Bernie? AOC? Have you been to a college campus lately?
@BryanLV I don't like that part where you're calling me old lmao but alright I'll play:
Yes, I have recently equated Bernie to Trump in other places and I believe they are popular for somewhat similar reasons. However, correlation /=/ causation. We're seeing equal or greater political tribalism among typical non-atheists in the MAGA crowd.
@BryanLV I feel like those are starter pack philosophies for undergrads lol. There aren't a ton of younger people here (yet), or I'd bet you'd see more.
Not at all. I am not talking about the Anarchy in the sense of chaos, masked looters and communists (anarcho-communist).
I am talking about freedom loving Americans and people around the world who believe in Liberty for all, Laisse Faire Capitalism and sound economic markets and money.
Ron Paul, Anarchopulco, the NAP.
Based on what youre saying it sounds like you are thinking about anarchy as an action, and not Anarchism as a political philosophy. If you google ANARCHY, that is what you are talking about. If you google ANARCHISM, you will get the definition I am speaking of.