What is your favorite regret?
Not to be stereotypical of men but: Remaining faithful to my high school sweetheart in my first year of college. We ended breaking up, as I knew we would, and I should have broken it off way earlier, but I sometimes still play the what if game with a girl I turned down in that period.
Regrets are negative. I don't think people have a favorite negative experience.
Not tithing to my savings the way I tithed to the church for so many years........
Being closed off to being loved.
My favorite regret... the man who came into my life unexpectedly at a time of personal transition. I loved him, a married man. Taught me more than I ever imagined, about my self-worth, my value... and my beauty! Fuck him! lol
Favorite regret? Isn't that an oxymoron?
To answer: Long ago I had a choice:
1: Devote all resources to try to fix an emotionally broken and significantly older woman or
2: Accept and dedicate resources into growing a relationship with a woman of my age and mindset. (the first woman's best friend / co worker. We really got along great.
The older woman had great needs so I chose her and for just short of a decade, worked to help her cope with significant emotional baggage. My life would be significantly different now had I chosen the younger woman.
Favorite regret? First husband. At least I got kids to keep!