On this date,Friday, February 28, 1975, after celebrating my 25th Birthday with my family, I was driving my Girlfriend home when she told me she wanted to go to the Roslyn Duck Pond in Roslyn, NY. It was a turbulent time in my life back then and since I was "between jobs" I knew that I had until Monday before I had to look for a job so I agreed.
While walking around on that cold winter night, she suggested that we go away for the week-end and then tell everybody that we eloped and we were now married. I told her that it wouldn't go over very well with her Grandmother, the woman that raised her and had a debilitating stroke the year before, so I suggested that we actually get married. We could arrange to have the ceremony at her Grandmother's house and have her blessing instead of leaving her and everyone else out.
We made the arrangements with some help from her Aunt (actually, a close family friend). We ordered a cake, set up the pastor from Lisa's Lutheran Church, decorated the house and we got married a fortnight after we made the decision to get married. This all happened in less than 6 months after we first met.
There were those that predicted that we wouldn't be together for very long. The time frames varied from a few weeks to 6 months. WOW! Were they ever wrong!
How sweet! Gives me hope that love exists and can last
My wife and I were given 6 mos and that was 65 years ago. Good luck.
@AncientNight Sorry for your loss.
Great story, and your great love for each other lasted a long time. Thanks for sharing!