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California is a mess.

gater 7 Mar 3

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California's economy is very good. I live here. We are doing great.

tell that to the thousands of homeless here

@gater It's drug related homelessness.

@gater I spent time at a homeless shelter recently. I listened to their stories. Every single one of them--drugs and alcohol. Not a single one said they were homeless due to a lack of employment.

@ElusiveMoby theres just one flaw in your argument - 30 to 40 years ago, it was rare to see homeless, nothing like today - and we had drugs and alcohol then too.

@gater I'm contending we did not have the plethora of highly addictive, readily available drugs. (I'm surprised you only found one flaw?. Even though we disagree, I enjoy the civil conversation.)

@ElusiveMoby thanks, me too 🙂


Now I know how much trumpers hate facts, but there's also this - []

just put em all in one big group -


I read something else: []


That’s what generally happens when democrats take over.


Please be advised you agreeing with facts that are not true.

@ElusiveMoby Your the one who has their facts mixed up. Everything posted up there is true and if you can’t see that you are quite delusional.

@Trajan61 Hysterical.

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