These damn ecigs make me cough more than a regular cig... I quit and then go back, quit and then go back... sigh...
There are some things that have helped me cut down.
As a general rule, I stopped smoking in the house. I have an enclosed back porch though, so while still cold in the winter, I can tolerate that.
Also as a general rule, I don't smoke when I'm away from the house. Albeit, I'm away from the house sporadically, not every day, but for hours when I am. I also do make exceptions from time to time.
Something else I'm going to make an effort at: putting off that first hit of nicotine for the day. I've done this unintentionally and even intentionally, but haven't made an effort to stick to it. But when I have done it, I've noticed that I don't seem to smoke as much throughout the day.
Going outside to smoke has helped me a lot. I'm at about 1/2 pack a day. If I drink naturally that is higher. It is what it is... gotta just keep trying. Thank you
@bingst It's hard but I can't even function at a whole pack and it's so damn gross. Not thrilled that I started again but at least I know I can quit. I hate that whole raging bitch phase of it... so bracing for it. I have a bunch of medical stuff in the next 2 weeks so I will be pissed off anyhow. Seems like a good time to jump in and just freaking quit.
Please stick it out with the vape! I'm almost 3 years off ciggies and it was the best decision I've ever made.
If need be, get a higher nicotine concentration juice & take smaller puffs until you get used to breathing in vapor as opposed to smoke, then cut back on the nicotine mg gradually. That's what worked for me. Good luck ?
Thank you puffing my ecig now
Myself and my ex tried vaping at the same time. I'd been smoking for nearly 30 years at that point and was getting through 20 a day; my partner was on 40 a day; I'd been trying and failing to give up for years while he had given up giving up. Neither of us thought vaping would help and experienced coughs and sore throats for a couple of weeks, but we stuck with it and very soon found we actually preferred vaping to smoking - and, just like that, we were both ex-smokers. I haven't smoked for seven years now and my asthma has improved dramatically, and since I noticed what smokers smell like I've been very happy not to smell like that too. Not having stinky ashtrays around the house is great, too, as is having an extra £70 a week.
I'm a big advocate for vaping. It doesn't work for everyone (several of our friends tried it at the same time; about 75% of us gave up the ciggies for good), but it really is worth persevering!
Thank you I will keep trying!
I know what you mean. I tried one for a while, but gave up on it. Now I'm on Chantix trying to quit cigs. No noticeable difference so far.
I hope you get there. Please, let me know how it goes. I had heard that the bad effects of chantix are more likely in women. I see my doc next week and I intend to ask her about it.
Join a stop smoking class. I did, and it worked. I've been smoke-free since 2014.
I will look and see if there's one nearby. Thank you!
Pumpkin seeds help curve nicotine urges. I had quit several years ago. I had discovered a few years back what makes nicotine so addictive. When you smoke nicotine helps massive doses of dopamine to be released a natural pain killer in our brains. I have a theory this is why quitting smoking is even harder for women. Women would have higher amounts of dopamine in their brains to help deal with the pain of childbirth.
That's very interesting. It makes sense. WOW... thank you I will try the pumpkin seeds for sure!
This is my doucheiest secret but here goes.
I wasn't just a vaper for a while, I was a serious vaper. My mod was mechanical and cost $200 before tax. I know what RDA, RDTA, and tank mean in that context, and have owned all three tops and know how to change their internals. My juices were all fruity and flavorful and I blew CLOWDZ BRUH.
The culture of vaping is like weed culture, it's douchey as hell but your individual mile may vary. I was always scared to admit to anyone I vaped.
I'm sharing this because I had a similar story. I smoked in my early 20s, and I got up to a pack a day. I couldn't breathe after going DOWN a flight of stairs.
Vaping helped me quit. It affected my lungs far less. I'm not "in shape" but I can keep up with my kids, jog/walk a 5K and not feel like death at the end, and could while vaping (although a little less)
It's not perfect, either, and we don't know all the dangers yet. I wish I could tell you the perfect answer to quitting. I just went cold turkey. It fucking sucked for like two weeks, where I ate more than I should and was generally a jerk. But I did get through it, and I'm just a little bitch. I hate adversity of all kinds.
Please keep trying. I'm shit and I figured it out, so I know you've got it in ya. Best of luck.
thank you it sucks but if I manage it I have to stick with it. I was completely off nicotine for 3 months and some silly day I chose to start again. Kicking self each time... I did read that the more time you try, your odds of success do increase. So back at it...