Two of sci-fi horror movies I recall but can't remember enough details to pull up titles. Both were b/w 60s? films.
The first was a US sub that penentrated an alien saucer under the ice. The scene I remember was a crewman being sliced in half by the saucer doors as they were making their escape to back the sub out from the saucer.
The second was a group of people holed up on the ground floor of some building in LA? with the city otherwise deserted and giant robots? prowling the streets.
I used the write Joe Bob Briggs for help. I gave him the clue of some Italian Tony Franciosa actor type character, and a Jesus figure with a vagina in his side. He came up with the right answer.
You can guess that one too, but I already know it. It was color btw.
I'm sure someone in this group knows.
I was going to say Yellow Submarine, but then I remember that it was a Brittish sub.