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LOVE Bill Maher. Here's a short clip of his full length movie, Religulous.

Robecology 9 Mar 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I went to see Religulous the week it came out....which it was 10 years after I had gone to the movies for the last time. The movie-theater is located in a very religious area of my county...nevertheless the place was packed / sold out.


I’m still puzzled how this lifelong Atheist (me) went so long not appreciating Bill Maher.. Living in the deep woods and lacking satellite or cable is likely my best excuse 😉 No more, I’m connected, watched and loved Religulous!

I now follow him as best I can on YouTube and his Podcasts.. He’s solid, though controversial. The negative feedback I’d gotten before discovering him was that tentative crap ..likely from NPR & such ..that discounts and shys away from serious political and social commentary. Not Bill!

I don’t agree with his every utterance ...though appreciate and consider them 🙂

Varn Level 8 Mar 10, 2019

Me too!
And even though the documentary is old, its truths are as valid today as a decade ago.

it's time for him to make a new one...

@Robecology what else could be covered?

@btroje Politics! ...or Politickery 😉

@Varn i was thinking along a remake of the original topic- he got that covered

@Varn politrickery

@btroje ...mine was on purpose.. I’ve known many a solid, honest, and giving politician; no tricks ~

@Varn ??????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@COGITOERGOSUM ….very technical stuff: “Politickery” vs. “politrickery” 😀

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