My response to a person who complains about scientists being skeptical about UFO's:
"Unicorns exist too, I have seen several. Most people have, they just do not recognize it for what it is. They are seen in Africa more often than not. Occasionally they are recognized for what they are, but otherwise they are known as the common rhinoceros."
I've tried to explain to Johnprytz that the nature of the phenomenon is similar to Michigan J frog. I can present evidence that that this frog sings and dances, but the moment I show him to a friend, he just sits and croaks like a regular frog.
Scienctist are interested in the subject, but they keep it quiet. In this interview of Lance Mungia, director of Third Eye Spies, he brings up a story of Russell Targ giving a talk about remote viewing and Lance is there filming Russell and then he pans the camera to the audience and this lady come up and tell him not to do that because they don't want to be recognized
He also mentions a quote from Russell Targ where he says people like to deny 3 types of sciences.
The Science of Climate
the Science of Evolution
and the Science of Consciousness
the majority of the people here on Agnostic are in the denial of the third.
It is a one horned animal, thus a unicorn