Having done masonry, I love the books. You do realize if they had simply covered that with morter no one would have noticed. Once tearing down, to replace, a block wall, we discovered that areas supposed to be full of cement were newspaper filler with cement in top. The wall to be replaced was about 25 years old.
The guy welding cracks me up...
Not welding, cutting.
@Beowulfsfriend Why do you think that?
@Captain_Feelgood a grinder and a cutting torch, which is similar to a welder in appearance. Plus, an idiot would use paper to protect from metal chips and a blind man would use no eye shade to protect from intense light.
@Beowulfsfriend Ah.. yeah, I see. What he's doing is working with aluminum, and actually brazing it. It's kind of like soldering. Folks just say welding because the outcome is the same. He's building those fixtures you see leaning against the wall behind him there. It's a interesting method that competes with the usual Tig welding method.