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i saw the cutest thing today while i was working. i'm not usually into dealing with anybody while i'm working because it's 9 times out of 10 somebody saying 'what are you doing in my yard?' or 'why you digging in my yard?' or 'you don't need to go in my yard!' or some shit like that. i've seen dogs, cats, bugs, birds, etc etc etc...other kids...etc. i've seen some cute stuff, not so cute stuff, really fine stuff.... but never seen this. i was walking in front of a house and this little boy - about 3yrs old - come out and say 'hi'... 'hi'... 'gimme a hug' with his arms open wide. i didn't (of course - wouldn't want a stranger hugging my kid)... but was thinking that was the f'n cutest thing i've ever seen. his mother (some young lady) was chasing after him and i said to her 'he wants a hug'. when i got a little further down the road i heard him crying and was thinking she probably used that for a learning moment - which was good. but that made me smile for a little bit today. thought i'd share that. 🙂

SeeCanU 7 Mar 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Aw! Sweet! You were wise not to hug, but it had to be difficult to resist.

Deb57 Level 8 Mar 14, 2019

he seemed like such a happy little kid.

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