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Boeing's 737 Max aircraft is a product of intelligent design, so was Windows 95, and clackers and lawn darts.
Nothing alive is intelligently designed but still last longer, is more intelligent, self repairing and self replicating.
ID fails while evolution is just getting started.

Novelty 8 Mar 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Windows 95 was not a product of ID... It was a product of corporate profits. Clackers... I STILL have a set of those! They never shattered. Lawn Darts gave new meaning to "Taking one for the team!"

The 737 Max has a software glitch that causes a pitch down command when it senses a stall. Boeing made it dependent on 1 sensor alone. If a pilot disconnects the Auto Pilot he/she can recover. Unfortunately... The pilots in both crashes fought the AP until their demise. The software fix will make stall prevention dependent on several sensors instead of just one.

Strangely enough... The FAA was in discussions with Boeing before the government shutdown. Then work on this was delayed. The software fix might have been implemented prior to the latest crash if Trump wouldn't have been an asshole!

What amazes me is that one sensor or 10, the architect of this brilliant system did not write some code like

If (Pilot.TimeFightingMe > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20) && Attitude = AttitudeType.SteepDive) {

I mean, it seems obvious. The whole purpose of this code was to PREVENT the plane falling from the sky like a rock, so diving under power like a rockET is antithetical to the whole point of the exercise.

Defensive programming is a lost art ...

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