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In honor of the day, here is a site that lets you search the first 200 million digits of pi.

Numbers up to seven digits long are virtually certain to be in there. Odds drop as numbers get bigger with eleven digit numbers having less than a 1% chance of appearing.

My street address, my 5-digit zip code, and my high school locker combination are all in there -- not just once, but thousands of times each. Even my 7-digit phone number appears 20 times. (With the area code pre-pended, my 10-digit phone number doesn't appear at all, at least in these relative few first 200 million digits.)

Today's date (03142019) appears four times, with the first beginning at the 24,136,338th digit of pi.


dleifallot 7 Mar 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Checked out a million. How fun.

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