It may be idiotic but it’s also true. If you didn’t vote in “that” election, you have given up your right to complain about the result.
Yeah, you can bitch and complain all you want. But, please, don’t complain when no one takes your complaints seriously.
The logic is similar to: “I have a headache but didn’t take anything for it.” If you now complain about the pain, no one is going to give you sympathy.
The "result" of a presidential election has very little to do with the policies of the nation, hence, claiming that one should not complain is a bit daft.
@THHA a presidential election has a great deal to do with policy. The President is directly responsible for the policies of the Administration, proposing budgets and lobbying Congress to get budgets and laws passed to enact policies and everything to do with international relations.
A few examples of the impacts of a president:
T. Roosevelt: “speak softly,, carry a big stick”
Truman: Berlin Airlift; Korean War
Monroe: the Monroe Doctrine
FD Roosevelt: Social Security; Lend-Lease
Obama: the Affordable Care Act
Kennedy/Johnson: the Civil Rights Act; Vietnam
Eisenhower: School desegregation;
Bush (II): Afghanistan and Iraq wars
Trump: destruction of environmental protections; trade wars and destruction of international relations
Seriously, presidents have tremendous impact on the policies of this country. All of the above were initiated by a president, not Congress.
Name me one president since Ronnie that has not kissed the ass of military industrial complex, has not started a war, has not supported Israel, has not supported coups in other countries, has not bombed another country that was no threat to the USA, name me one president since Ronnie that has not pretended to give a damn about the citizens of this nation, all the while kissing up to the corporatocratic plutocratic wars for GOD . . . Gold . . . . OIL . . . . Drugs. Name one.
@THHA and your diatribe about presidents, the military industrial complex, Israel and just about every ill you perceive in this country has what to do with this statement by you? The statement (below) that I responded to and to which you have no response but an off topic screed.
“The "result" of a presidential election has very little to do with the policies of the nation, hence, claiming that one should not complain is a bit daft.”
I’ll save you time. It has nothing to do with it. I’ll assume that you will accept what I said given that you tried to redirect the conversation away from my response to an completely off topic “discussion.”
Wow, this is even entertaining! "Diatribe"? Funny. I am seldom impressed as much, with the complete lack of a clue some people have of current or previous events in the US, that is truly impressive on your part. Congratulations . . . I am truly impressed. As for '"you tried to redirect the conversation away from my response to an completely off topic “discussion.” ' That is pretty impressive too . . . . so far, not only are you clueless beyond the pale of anyone's imagination, but you can't even understand what ties the thread of the conversation together. The entirety of your response is the most impressive hog swill I have seen in my whole life!
@THHA insults and deflection as a response usually indicate the poster has nothing to say in response. But, I’m glad to know you were impressed.
I have a question. Is there anything about the United States you do like? I’m curious as, in nearly every interaction I’ve had with you, you have written scathingly about it.
I could say the exact same thing but inverted about you. Criticism has a purpose, endless praising and servility to the state goes the route of the Nazis . . . . and people use to wonder how it was that so many people could have fallen for the Nazi propaganda . . . . they do not ask that anymore though, because they know . . . . they see it daily.
I don't follow your self-set rules of conversation.
@THHA obviously. FYI... those “self-set” rules as you call them tend to be common to most people. You know, pose a question, respond to that question, so on and so forth and the conversation evolves and information is exchanged.
Instead, you pose a question or make a remark, there is a response to your remark and then you respond with a completely different remark, ignoring the response to your initial remark. And, the person you were talking to is left wondering what the hell you are talking about.
But, hey, you obviously do what you want.
That's a pretty good diatribe you got going on there.
Oh, no! The EVIL Putin again!
Obama admitting his role in the US-supported coup in Ukraine, a war crime. (First video link below).
Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State, admits in the second video that the USA supported the Ukrainian coup with 5 billion dollars. Note the Chevron symbol in the background of the video. John McCain (Senator Lovewar himself) and Victoria Nuland were in Ukraine in December 2013 amid the mass anti-government protests. (The third video is of John McCain in Ukraine addressing protesters.) During the visit, McCain met with Ukrainian opposition leaders in the country’s capital of Kiev, voicing his support for the protests, adding that he saw Ukraine’s future with Europe.
Biden's youngest son, Hunter Biden was hired to the board of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine’s largest private gas producer.
The proxy Ukraine war is all about energy. The Eastern part of Ukraine is the major oil and gas producing region of Ukraine accounting for approximately 90 per cent of Ukrainian production and according to EIA (The American Energy Information Administration) may have 42 tcf (trillion cubic feet) of shale gas resources technically recoverable from 197 tcf of risked shale gas in place.
George Soros is heavily invested in Ukraine . . . . to the tune of about one billion dollars.
It is no secret that the US was funding anti-government NGO's in Russia either, and Putin put an end to them for a reason.
Obama admits the US-sponsored coup:
@THHA somehow, you seem to think that justifies Russia invading the Crimea...
The Ukraine was a sovereign nation before Yunukovych was deposed and it was a sovereign nation afterwards. The activities in the Ukraine, no matter what they were, were none of Russia’s business. And, if you really want to blame the US, let’s also blame Russia for earlier meddling in Ukrainian politics to get its puppet Yankovych installed as president, in part, as an effort to block Ukraine entrance into the EU and NATO and keep the country politically close to and aligned with Russian interests.
Russia was not justified in invading the Crimea nor were its paramilitary justified in shooting down MH-17. Nor were they justified in attacking Georgia or Chechnya either.
They made a deliberate choice to invade. No one, least of all the US, held a gun to Russia’s head.
US policy is not always right, but, unlike your assertions of guilt, they are usually not the only outside party involved. Yet, you never seem to recognize that as, in your statements, the US is always wrong and no one else ever bears any responsibility, particularly negative responsibility.
AWWWWWW . . . So was all of the fucking countries the US has invaded . . . . do I need to list them? Sorry, I will not because the fucking list is way longer, by a very wide margin, than anything any other country in the world has done.
From Der Spiegel, November 26, 2009 :
NATO's Eastward Expansion: Did the West Break Its Promise to Moscow?
What the US secretary of state said on Feb. 9, 1990 in the magnificent St. Catherine's Hall at the Kremlin is beyond dispute. There would be, in Baker's words, "no extension of NATO's jurisdiction for forces of NATO one inch to the east," provided the Soviets agreed to the NATO membership of a unified Germany. Moscow would think about it, Gorbachev said, but added: "any extension of the zone of NATO is unacceptable."
The Nazis are in Washington DC, and you support them. When the US tries to invade Russia, they will suffer the same fate as the Nazis . . . .
@THHA see, the US is always wrong... amazing, isn’t it, that you view NATO expansion to be a provocative act justifying Russian invasion of the Ukraine.
Why is it you can’t bring yourself to admit that other countries are wrong without always saying the US is much worse? (It’s a rhetorical question and I don’t expect a response.)
Do you blame the US for war with North Korea as welll? Or, for starting the war in Vietnam?
Laughable response . . . . I do not even need to bother, anyone with any common sense who reads it will likely be laughing with me.
I vote and I still think that is the most idiotic statement ever.
Remember this coming election - vote your heart in the primary, and if that fails, vote your brain in the election: be pragmatic and dump tRump.