Antifa stands for anti-fascists. How could any patriotic American be opposed to a group which is opposed to Fascism? In truth the real danger comes from this Administration which is moving toward Fascism.
To be clear, in Charlottesville the white supremicists open carried assault weapons and handguns. Antifas had clubs and were greatly outnumbered. While neither is acceptable, who were the ones who sponsored the rally and came heavily armed?
We fought Fascism in Italy, assisted Patriots in Spain against Fascists, fought in Germany, and many other locations around the globe. Have we forgotten the lessons of the past?
The present GOP has taken on the robe of Fascism with the present Administration. Its moving ever closer to Authoritarian rule. With any luck the American public will come to its senses and stop this march toward Fascism.
Antifa sets cars on fire and smashes windows. They’re a bunch of white-guilted far left nutjobs.
White supremicists and white nationalists burn crosses, assault minorities, burn churches, and engage in mass shootings, and lynch blacks. Besides using swastikas (vandalizing properties with graffitti) as a symbol, they also use ropes with nooses to intimidate. I do not condone violence except in self-defense, but do not cast aspersions unless you look in your own direction.
@t1nick Firsf of all, I’m not even remotely on the Right. Secondly, way to change the subject to deflect criticism. Reminds me of leftists who bring up Christianity whenever Islam is criticized.
@Jacar Its still hzppening. Jaspar, Tx. south Tx, Loisianna, Pa. Etc. Not isolated. The only thing in the past is lynching.
I have no faith in the tribal lemmings who continue to embrace stupendous stupidity!
Well thats real clear?????