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Ever read a book so good, you kind of don't want to pick it up, just so you can keep reading it longer? It's a catch 22 with a good book. It's Really good, so you read it every second. But then the story is over, so maybe go slower ... but the story! lol

I'm currently reading the Dresden Files. Beautifully written, with me being a little biased. My attitude towards most things mirror's Dresden's a lot.

James00346 7 Mar 16

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I run into that problem all the time, dangit... I read very quickly, so books do not last as long as I would like - especially a really wonderful book.


of the books i've read recently i would put the Grisham novels almost in that category. also some of Dean Koonz's.
but then there are some at the summit like hemmingway & steinbeck.


Three books tha tmade me feel that way were...

Shogun, by James Clavell
East of Eden, by John Steinbeck, and
The Persian Boy, by Mary Renault


A good book alway should be read twice, once fast and the second time slowly.


Actually, it was "Catch 22".

Huh? I don't follow.

@James00346 The book "Catch 22". The funniest relevant book I have ever read.

read it when it came out. must be 40+ yrs ago. satire at it's best.


The best ones, I turn back to page one and start over right away.


I read the book Everyday by David Levithan. I went to the point where I don't want to see it for a week to prolong my excitement and enjoyment.

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