This world would be better without so much pride. I know I'm guilty of it. Often. You don't need religion to be moral. And you don't need commandments to point out what is right or wrong.
Pride. Stupid, pig headed, stubborn pride. I know few situations where, if I had swallowed my pride, wouldn't have happened.
So - what would be your "sin" ?
All of you have done a disservice. None of you read the OP fully.
Too many intelligent people with their puritanical roots showing walk around mentally flogging themselves bloody.
So why are you here?
@James00346 You were calling out pride. I'm calling out self deprecation
I wish people had MORE pride....pride in their appearance....pride in the homes they live in....pride in their city....pride for their bodies....
then, maybe....they wouldn't wear pajamas to Walmart, trash yards, vandalize their cities, and fill their bodies with harmful substances....
There is nothing worse than having a neighbor who brings down the whole neighborhood through neglect of their home and apathy toward their neighbors....
I think there's a difference between a sane self-estimation and a stubborn sort of pride that's usually a cover for ignorance or error that you think you'll lose face by admitting to. The negative rep of pride comes from it being used as a bullshitting device. It's not "prideful" in the negative sense to take pleasure in genuine accomplishments or to push back against gaslighting or hate or diminishment from others. It us prideful to try to claim that you're better than all other comers, all the time.
All things considered, we could do with less pride.
I think i tall depends on how you define pride. Many religious persons seem to demonstrate "pride" with hubris.
Monstrosities demonstrate pride simply by not accepting societal demands that they be ashamed of who they are.
Then there is the pride3 of having done a good job in ones work.
I think you are likely referring to the religious hubris that masquerades as pride.
I think it's the pride like don't want to admit when I'm wrong weak etc..type which we could all be susceptible to that he is referring to