Chelsea Clinton being blamed for the Christchurch shooting is peak 2019 stupidity. She did the right thing by calling out that rabid anti-Semite Ilhan Omar. No “rhetoric” involved.
No rhetoric, just rampant name calling. Come on, up your game.
In this highly charged political environment it is easy to get carried away. In order to garner respect it is highly advantageous to speak to the issues and engage in less name calling. I should know, learned the hard way. Words do matter.
The Arab students had a point about the import and impact Chelsea's words. Afterall, Chelsea has name recognition and therefore greater impact than the average Joe on the street. Likewise, Chelsea a well known defender of civil rights has some legitimate currency in her opinions, but may have spoken too quickly in this instance.
The abstract point they were making is important. Its important to realize that the abstract point that made by the arab students is not that so different than the ststement made by Omar.
Omar's remarks were taken out of context and her major point was lost by the noise from those who wished to find fault, no matter what she said. Omar used poor judgement in employing a traditional trope in her description. Whrther she realized she was doing that or not is debatable.