Ilhan Omar is not deserving of her seat in The House. She is openly and unapologetically anti-Jew in her rhetoric and ideology.
No Jew should support this bigoted Democrat Party in the US.
It's enough that religion has destroyed the fabric of the US; introducing Islam into the House of Congress is a mistake that all US citizens will rue for many years to come.
The rumor going around is that Ilhan Omar married her brother in order for him to obtain his Green Card. This needs to be investigated at the highest level of government.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is the right of all free citizens.
Islam is poison to a freedom loving society.
Ok...I want to say this. I believe Russian poltical hackers hacked into the British Labour party and highlighted a lot of pro-Palestinian belief. This was DELIBERATELY misinterpreted as anti-semetism and created untold damage to the Labour Party. JC was ineffective at calling it out because he like a lot of us believe the state of Isreal (not Isrealis or Jewish people and certainly not the fundamentalist Jewish people) have acted in an altogether sustained cruel way to the Palestinians. Actors such as Steve Bannon came to UK with the express plan to discover if this would work in USA. I would suggest Mr. Winston is likely to be a troll. Please be aware of that. Anyone exposing the language of hate should be called out. I have listened and read what Ms Omar had to say. She is not anti-semetic.
Ilhan Omar is anti-Jew. I have never said she was anything else.
@SidneyWinston I think are a Russian Hacker Sergei
@Amisja he is something that isnt right. Smells like a turd of some sort
@Bigwavedave, please don't insult turds.
Said by a south African born self proclaimed zionist..... ok then....
... as you defend an anti-Jewish Islamist born in Somalia who occupies a congressional seat. Ya sure!
@SidneyWinston I don't defend any religion . She was voted in. I have met many emigres from south Africa and have found them almost to a person to be incredibly racist. Of course I don't know you. I don't enjoy muslims . On a zero to ten I enjoy them least among religous people. But to be clear, I don't enjoy Christian's or Jews or any religous people. It's not based on their color though. Or that third religion is wrong or right. I don't like religous constructs. Pro Zionist south African does say alot to me.
I havent read too much about her. But Jewish influence in the us is very out of whack . I didnt find her statements incorrrct.
If this lady has been democratically elected, then she’s as entitled to her seat in the House as anyone else. Why do you think you have the right to deny her that right on the basis of such spurious, and quite frankly racist grounds. Personally I believe you have just proved why religion and politics should always be kept separate. Her gender, religion and personal views should in no way hinder her from being elected, under your Constitution. I’m sure the rumours are being vigorously investigated, and am equally sure that they will prove to be just that....rumours! Until then, unless there are any other impediments to her taking her seat, you would be best advised to not show your bias and bigotry.
I repeat, Islam is a cancer on a freedom-loving society.
@SidneyWinston You can say that of pretty much any religion.
@SidneyWinston Not just Islam....don’t be selective. That’s what I meant by you being biased and bigoted....! You are just proving my point!!
@Marionville yes, just Islam.
@SidneyWinston No...not just Islam!!
@Marionville Islam is anti-freedom. We all know that so what are all you liberals bleating about?
@SidneyWinston You know nothing about me or my politics, but if that was meant as an insult, it was pathetic!
@Marionville there were two insults, which one are you referring to?
Insult 1: you are a liberal.
Insult 2: you are a bleating sheep.
@SidneyWinston Doubly pathetic!!
@SidneyWinston ALL religion is a cancer on society.
As I said to you before, condemn one, condemn them ALL.
You don't get to just pick one for derision.
They're all man-made, and they're all dangerous.
@KKGator I condemn ALL religions. Especially Islam.
@SidneyWinston Your rant against Rep. Omar seems rather unhinged in that case.
Further, if you live in Canada, it doesn't effect you.
@KKGator Omar is a disgrace and a blight upon those of us who delight in living FREE.
@SidneyWinston She raised legitimate questions about how this government gives Israel a pass on much of it's human rights abuses.
She is no threat to you.
Again, you are totally unhinged.
@KKGator No, you are totally unhinged.
@SidneyWinston You argue like a child.
@Marionville there is no argument. Islam is society's cancer and Ilhan Omar is the catalyst.
President Pumpkin is selling billions of $$$ of weapons to Saudi Arabia. President pumpkin=Saudi sex doll= traitor to western civilization
@SidneyWinston Yawn....this argument is getting old and tired....find someone else to bother!
@SidneyWinston a more accurate statement is theocracy, regardless of what superstition, is a threat to Freedom loving Society.
@SidneyWinston Utter bollox!
@Kojaksmom on that I totally agree with you.
Wow, this is the kind of view which helps allow US mistreatment of so many people in regions where there is oil. A visit to the West Bank or Gaza strip might wake you up to the fact of Israel's unbelievable horrible treatment of the Palestinians who were there before them.There is huge support for Ilhan amongst Jewish people opposed to Israeli treatment of Palestinians. The hatred of Islam ignores US military intervention and it's inevitable results. How would people in predominantly Christian countries react to so CIA coups or Shock and Awe type invasions?
How about YOU look at trump and tell him he needs to resign? You're from Canada so why are you so bothered by Ms. Omar? She apologized, when has trump or the repub party EVER done so?
Israel is a Jewish nation. What the state of Israel does to the Palestinians is criminal and should be condemned at the highest levels. But I do not blame Jews for what the government does anymore than I blame the US citizens for the murders, interference in other nations and horrible foreign policy of the United States Government. This guy Sidney is a bigot who is stirring the pot, a real troll. I suggest everyone here do what I will do once I finish this. Do Yourself and others a favor go to his page and block him so you and others do not see or hear from him again.
So anti-zionism doesn't equal antisemitism, also, the only poison to free society is bigots like you. "Hur Dur Muslims iz bad cause the senate lady said something against Israel.", is not a good thing dude, you should probably go think about your life, and try to pinpoint the exact moment you became a hateful troll.
@SidneyWinston. I'm sorry for the faux-pas on mixing up the house and senate, however, it doesn't change the fact that you are in fact, a bigot.
@SidneyWinston hey everybody I just reported this person. I suggest you fo too. We don't need this garbage on this site.
@Bigwavedave poor baby can't fight his own battles. Boo hoo.
@QueerandBored12 Rose, dear Rose, please explain to me how I am a bigot?
Worse that Cat licks? Hard to believe. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there is no Constitutional right of, "...the pursuit of happiness is the right of all free citizens." That comes from the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution.
"No Jew should support this bigoted Democrat Party in the US." Would they be better off supporting the Republican Party?
Yes, they would be better off supporting the Republican Party. I am so glad you asked.
@SidneyWinston Okay, I definitely now find you amusing, and completely without merit.
@KKGator thank you. I am happy to have lifted your mood so early in the morning.
@SidneyWinston Don't flatter yourself, you haven't.
@KKGator oh well, cheer up!
Not good to rile feathers, from ‘rumors going around.’
I’m not going to weigh in on the OP, since I think that horse has been thoroughly beaten. On the Israeli mistreatment of Palestinians, I agree. However I almost never see the rest of that story: how have the Palestinians been treated by Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Saudi Arabia? Why haven’t their arab brothers taken them in, given them land, jobs, and respect? Instead, they smuggle in weapons and encourage the never ending pointless and suicidal attacks on Israel. If there is an archenemy of the Palestinians, it’s the arabs.
Taking in Palestinian refugees would be counter to the goal of stoking their resentment against the very existence of Israel.
I'm far from a fan of Israel's current policies, but history is history, and thinking the nation is going anywhere is a delusion. The sooner the Arab world accepts the status quo of Israel's existence, the better.
Likewise, Israel has to change from being a designated Jewish state to simply a nation where all religions are equal; unlike any other in the region.
To all my detractors, I assure you I am not a troll and I am not stupid.l. I have put in many hours of posting over the last year. adding up to several hundred posts. In that time, i have only been called on 3 or 4 significant errors. The fact that I mixed up the two individuals was an error. Not debate. If I make an error, I generally acknowledge it and apologize. So for those who took umbrage at my error. i apologize. What I do not apologize for are the attempts to get the truth out there and debunk the misinformation being fed to us by the right and conservatives.
I'm assuming that you are merely a troll and that I should simply ignore your anti-American screed. If you are not, I feel obligated to point out that criticizing an individual who just happens to be Jewish or criticizing the Israeli government and/or its leadership do not automatically constitute antisemitism. You, however, who seem to hate everyone, perhaps even yourself, reveal no redeeming qualities and richly deserve all the criticism you get. Perhaps you might feel more comfortable in a country in which everyone is considererd to be suspect somehow and only certain races or religious beliefs are welcome. While you are in America, however, I might remind you that "all men are created equal" and that there is no State religion or official political stance. It's nutcases who are likely to have been responsible for getting another nutcase, Donald Trump, into the White House.
Should I say Islamafobia instead, Because you don't believe it, doesn't mean you have to spread lies about it
Why is a South African born Canadian trying to stir up hate in an American dating site for agnostics?
GTFOH bigot.
You are just jealous that I am better looking than you and I get all the women while you get none.
It's not your fault, you can't choose your face. You are just unlucky.
Calling out Isreal on their present apartheid policies is not anti-semetic. You can disagree with a policy and not be anti-semetic, although Orthodox members would have you thinking otherwise. Calling out the ultra-orthodox jewish community supporting that policy is not anti-semetic.
Since when is challenging boorish and discrimenating behavior a sin in this country. I don't see you making s fuss over the Evangelical Nazi Pence on his ultra-racist policies and political stances? That is inconsistent of you.
Agreed, Ilhan made a mistake using an old trope, but that's from inexperience. She's paid for it. Hell. McConnell does worse constantly in his handling of the Senate. He's just not female and Somalian.
Hate is not how to live
Correct! I just love that child's face. (Your grandchild?) Pure joy...thats how to live.
@Amisja yes, she is my granddaughter. She owns my !
Another unsubstantiated rant.. As a women of Palestinian heritage, you can't blame for being a little biased. Just like you can't blame blacks for being a little jaded. She is a freshman congress women, she apologized (more than Steven King or Trump ever did). Let's see how she comports herself going forward before we make final judgement.
The rabid right spent two years crying, "Give Trump a second chance, afterall he's not a politician!" Look to your house as Trump's sins are much more aggregious before casting stones (pun intended).
A secular zionist writes a statement, people reply with the most interesting and correct ideas. Then zionist copies and pastes the same phrase to all of them adding insults because he doesn't like opposite opinions...spoiled child zionist, good bye!
@SidneyWinston, FYI, this is from the Jerusalem Post:
Ilhan Omar is jealous that she doesn't have 'The Benjamins, baby'!
Islam has no place in government or in civilized society. Islam is another word for 'misogyny'. Islam is another word for 'kill Jews'. Islam is another word for 'repression of personal freedoms'.
Islam must be overcome.