Some of the most truly nasty people I ever met, and fortunately there were not many, espoused extreme altruistic doctrines like Christianity. Such subcultures become easy feeding grounds for hypocrites and criminals because they rarely call people to account for themselves or their motives. There are at least two reasons for that, one being tribalism, nobody wants to look for ill doing, because that would mean questioning their basic beliefs and their faith that they are in the good group, and secondly because everyone fails to some degree to be unselfish, which in turn leads to guilt, and guilt leads to the acceptance of low moral values, which are easy to live up to, and little questioning of others lest you be questioned.
Yes, hypocrisy is common amongst god botherers but they have a get out of jail free card in that they can always blame the devil for leading them astray.
When I was a teenager, I once volunteered to help out with communion for the xmas eve service (don't judge me, my parents forced me to go to church the entire time I was growing up). We left our jackets, purses, etc. in a small room next to the large room where the service took place (holy shit I don't remember what this room is called?! Not the chapel, not the fellowship hall...omg I can't believe I don't remember! But you know what I mean). Anyway, sometime during this CHURCH SERVICE that I VOLUNTEERED to help with on CHRISTMAS EVE, someone stole my purse!! So, yeah... Religious people/Christians are no holier or superior moraled than anybody else!