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‪Time for rational people to come out of the oppressive closet of religious mythologies and be honest. #GoodWithoutGods #AtheistDay @atheist_day []

FionaAtNight 3 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Luckily I live in Australia and we don't have as many of these religious nutters as there seem to be in some other parts of the world, although they still do exist.

@ToolGuy Thank you, it was yesterday.

@ToolGuy No you did not miss it. Thank you for it.


Luckily I live in Australia and we don't have as many of these religious nutters as there seem to be in some other parts of the world, although they still do exist.

You are fortunate. America is run by religious zealots


Still way too many people hiding in the trenches. Not that I blame, the urge toward Inquisition remains strong among many Evangelicals.

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