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What is your favorite things to do at the beginning of this Spring?

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AirForceRN1 7 Mar 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm looking forward to it - only another six weeks or so, then, take off the snow tyres, chip the remaining ice from the front step, fire up the motorcycle,...


What about us city slickers and the beach? Lol


When I lived in a place with winter, it would have been gardening. Now, there is so little difference, I was just checking out the choices out of curiosity.

LB67 Level 7 Mar 24, 2019

Chasing snails? You need to run very slowly....


I love driving, with the windows down and 1970's hits playing. To take in the view and stop at various spots for breathtaking views. Or to say hello to a curious cow. (I do talk to cows.) Even more glorious is to take on a hike, to challenge myself while the air is spring-laden.


This is a close one because I love to do all of the above things. Interacting with people from all over the world while hiking on the mountain trails leading up to the waterfalls are my favorites going to Yosemite National Park. It is only 1 1/2 hours a way from my home and I need to use my National Parks pass more often and I could bring up to 3 other guests with into any national park for free.

The hike to Vernal Falls is gorgeous. So invigorating and beautiful. I don't visit Yosemite as often as I used to as I live close to the Sequoia National Forest, which has magnificent views too. It is quieter there and sometimes I miss the people to chat with as we pass each other on trails.

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