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This is so Fucking wrong! A cyclone hits Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe killing about 700 ppl and ALL the mainstream media is talking about what Donald Trump had for breakfast.
I'm honestly really disgusted.
What's up with the ppl who love to put flags of countries or "sending my prayers to bla bla bla"

So much for BLACK LIVES MATTER right?
What a HUGE dose of hyprocrisy.
I got no time for this shit.

rockarol 5 Mar 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I hadn't heard about it at all. That is sad as it is not being reported.

gearl Level 8 Mar 24, 2019

Agreed, I saw this the other day and wondered how is this not on the nightly news?


It's dreadful. I have watched the coverage here and it has been thorough. They need hard cold cash.

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