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Britain is dying a painful death....I'm 100% convinced that British government officials themselves are muslims....RELIGION IS A POISON...THE BIGGEST THREAT TO HUMANKIND...NOW THEY ARE TRYING SILENCE TOMMY ROBINSON ???

Nahiyan 2 Mar 25

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Racist troll!


I am not going to listen to this as anyone who supports Robinson is not worth listening to. He is an obnoxious alt right rabble rouser


Religion is a cause of many problems, but it is not the source of all evil. Greed, ethnocentrism, and sociopathy cause many more human ills.


is there even a speck of evidence that britain's government officials are all muslims? that sounds, well, insane to me. meanwhile, tommy robinson (not his real name, not his only pseudonym) is a violent criminal who gets drunk and assaults people, including cops, and is also a fraudster. no one is trying to silence him per se, though it would be nice if he sat down and shut up. his own behavior has led to his criminal convictions, not some monstrous government plot to silence someone who is speaking truth to power. nothing he says resembles truth, unless you are sucked in by fascist, racist rhetoric. i'm not.



Take your right wing neo nazi, racist loving bullshit, bend over and give it a good shove. Just sayin. I've found you can't be reasonable with this kind, as they have proved time and time again. Once a Nazi always a dick.


I'm a Yank, so someone please explain to me what this "Discount Seth Rogen" is on about? The other comments have convinced me not to search out and watch the video...


Pretty sure Britain has been dying a painful death since 1947, it's about economics and the loss of their Empire after WW2.

Now then, what exactly are you on about? (And please realize, I doubt I'll care about your answer.)


Would this be the same "Tommy Robinson" - or Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (and he really ought to use his real name because a grown man pretending to have the same name as a football hooligan he admires is quite frankly embarrassing) - whose first arrest was for punching a policeman who intervened when he was beating up his girlfriend?

Nice guy.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 25, 2019

Tommy Robinson (not his real name) is a racist cunt and deserves all he gets, end of.

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