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It is true that Mueller's report did not find sufficient evidence to pursue charges of conspiracy with the Russians, , But it certainly does reveal an astounding record of utterly stupid, reckless, and dangerous behavior of many, many members of the Trump campaign and administration in being willing to respond to Russian contacts and influence attempts during both the campaign and in acting in official capacity.

Any and all of them should have known that ANY Russian contact is an attempt to influence and may be an attempt to compromise the integrity of both the individual and of our political process., They should have also known that they should have reported any and all Russian contacts to the FBI.. If they did know that, why did they pursue those contacts without informing the FBI? If they did not know that, what in the hell were they doing in the campaign and in the administration????

And Trump says that he picks only the best people. Really. If his idea of the best people are these people who endangered our country, his judgment, simply put, SUCKS! Such poor and possibly corrupt judgment is, in and of itself, a threat to us, our country and our democracy.

wordywalt 9 Mar 28

Enjoy being online again!

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trump was compromised when he decided to run for office. It was all part of the deal to get a Moscow Tower.


I agree, pretty much all of the controversy and general craziness surrounding the Trump presidency is, I don't know any other way to put it, his fault. He set the tone right out of the gate with his actions and rhetoric. I kept telling people during the campaign, "mark my words, if this guy is elected is going to be a total shit show".

That is a message we must spread convincingly, far, and wide.

@tkcoy We are not going to convince the vast majority of people in Trump's base. It is the independents and currently uninvolved whom we must convince.

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