6 3

Fun article. Though I still stick to my original suspicion these guys were taking some mad shrooms....those creatures tho....

Freespirit64 8 Mar 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Hmm... Inspiration fo9r tht Wallace and Grummit movie?


Love the Monty Python clip! ?


have you ever seen any pics of the rabbits in Germany? I don't think they use tools but they can weigh like 40 lbs

There's some damn big rabbits out there. Flemish giants can weigh over 20 pounds. I want a Flemish in a bad way....

@Freespirit64 I just posted a llink to giant german rabbits I was thinking of


You need true intelligence to be this daft!


And I thought that Monty Python invented the killer wabbit...


Lewis Carrol makes much more sense now.

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